Paul Gothold

Classification Pending

Paul Gothold recently retired his appointment of San Diego County Superintendent of Schools after serving six years in that role, providing educational leadership while administering mandated services, and thirty two years in education overall. His first teaching position was educating adjudicated youth in East Los Angeles where he started to realize that young people who have made bad choices in life can still turn things around, learn from their mistakes, achieve higher education and live safe and happy lives.

Paul has spent his career focused on this historically underserved youth population, with a passion for creating better outcomes for these communities. Outside of work, he has served many Lynwood, CA Rotary Clubs by volunteering for community-based sports leagues for underserved youth, and has contributed to a national college resource foundation for students of color.

Although Paul has retired as superintendent, he says he is still going to do whatever it takes to make these kids get what they need and deserve, just in a different capacity. He and his wife have two daughters enrolled in our public schools.


Paul thanks his sponsors Michael Brunker, Ed Abeyta and Mary Walshok.