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Rotarians At Work Day 2022 – Saturday, April 30

04 30, 2022

Rotarians At Work Day happens the last Saturday in April each year. Started in 2006 as a joint effort between two Rotary Districts (one in the United States and one in Mexico), Rotarians at Work Day continues to grow. Each year, Clubs around the world identify a hands-on project that all members can participate in to help their local community. Friends and family are welcome.

Don’t forget to take some pictures and email them in to the Rotary office. Thank you for your participation on this day of service!

To sign up for a project, click on the project name. (Rotaracts, please add a (R) at the end of your last name so we can identify you.)
Registration for projects will close once the # of volunteers is met.

Project: San Diego Humane Society This Project is FULL! Please select another event.
Address: 5500 Gaines St., SD 92110
Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am
# of volunteers needed: 10
Description: Participants will do a pet enrichment toy making project and work in the pet pantry. Children are welcome, but must be 8 years old or older.                                                        Coordinator: Emily Rex

Project: San Diego Zoo 
Address: San Diego Zoo, 2920 Zoo Drive, SD 92101
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 60-65
Description: Create enrichment and exhibit enhancements for Zoo animals. Children are welcome but must be at least 10 years old.  All volunteers must sign a waiver.
Coordinator: Shawn Dixon

Project: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery 
Address: 1880 Cabrillo Memorial Dr., SD 92106
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 20
Description: Grave restoration and ground beautification. Bring a hat and work gloves.
Coordinator: Mike Caruso

Project: City Heights Rotaract and Hoover Interact Joint Project (Hoover High School beautification)
Address: 4474 El Cajon Blvd. SD 92115
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 5 – 10
Description: Hoover High School grounds beautification (painting, weeding and clearing planters) Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Coordinator: Mia Harenski

Project: Boy Scouts
Address: 1207 Upas Street SD 92103
Time: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 6-8
Description: Help move items out of storage and relocate to a place where staff can reorganize.
Coordinator: Will Hage

Project: GenerateHope
Address: South County (address confidential)
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 6-8
Description: Spring cleanup at a Human Trafficking Survivor transition home to include light landscaping and some house cleaning. We will provide residents an example of how folks care about their well-being without any expectation for something in return!
Coordinator: Dave Oates

Project: Storefront Youth Shelter
Address: 3427 4th Avenue SD 92103
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
# of volunteers needed: 8
Description: Reorganization of their storage unit to help facilitate the distribution of needed materials for the shelter.
Coordinator: Chris Christopher