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Annual Mr./Ms./Mrs. San Diego Program

11 19, 2020 at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

The Mr./Mrs./Ms. San Diego award has been in existence since 1952. Since 1976, the San Diego Rotary Club has been in charge of selecting the honoree (or honorees) each year that has contributed outstanding community betterment to our city in various ways. Past recipients include Father Joe Carroll, Steve Cushman, Tom Hom, Betty Peabody, Leon Williams, the late Lucy Killea, Patti Roscoe and Michael Brunker.

Please join us on November 19 to celebrate and honor the contributions and achievements of this year’s honoree, Dr. Fred A. Frye. 

Fred has been a member of San Diego Rotary since 1982, he served as club president in 1990-91, and was the first recipient of our club’s Dr. James MacLaggan Award in 1991 for his humanitarian service benefitting children. His career as a pediatrician spanned 3 decades and he dedicated many years to voluntary service in the San Diego community including serving as President of the San Diego Medical Society, as Commodore of  the San Diego Yacht Club when the America’s Cup race came to San Diego, having served for many years on the San Diego Zoological Society (including as Chairman), and he served on the Board of the Fleet Science Center, the Maritime Museum and the San Diego Historical Society.

Thank you to Diane Bell, U-T Columnist and SD Rotary member, for the wonderful article on Fred and the Mr./Mrs./Ms. San Diego award. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/columnists/story/2020-10-12/local-physician-to-get-2020-mr-san-diego-title



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