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Steve Rosetta – A Life Science City in San Diego

02 11, 2021 at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

A few months ago, it was announced that real estate firm IQHQ purchased the Manchester Pacific Gateway development site downtown for $230 million dollars.

Steve Rosetta, CEO of IQHQ, will be joining us to tell us more about this project and more specifically, about the $1.5 billion dollar life science city, known as the San Diego Research and Development District, that will be built on that property, which will extend from Broadway to Seaport Village, to Pacific Highway and Harbor Drive.

IQHQ, started a year ago by esteemed life science builder Alan Gold, wants to create an unrivaled life science center and a premier waterfront development here in San Diego that will spark further investment in the region’s commercial life science market. They are also focused on creating centers in San Francisco, Boston and the United Kingdom.

IQHQ’s Research and Development District includes a series of mid-rise office buildings and one 17-story tower, all facing the Pacific Ocean.(Courtesy, IQHQ)


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