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District Governor Steve Weitzen

04 1, 2021 at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

It is our honor to have joining us Rotary 5340 District Governor, Steve Weitzen.

A native San Diegan, Steve is a resident of La Jolla with his wife, Ava. He has been a licensed attorney since 1987 and opened his law practice in 1990. Today, he is a solo practitioner in the area of civil litigation.

Steve has been a member of the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club since 2006 and served as President in 2013-14. He has been to El Salvador twice with the club to work on international projects in this poorest of Central American countries. He also serves at Stand Down as a counselor of homeless military veterans.

He was an Assistant Governor from 2015-18, and was the Chief Assistant Governor from 2019 -2020.

Steve will share with us his inspiring Rotary story: his reasons for joining Rotary and why he stays in Rotary. He will also catch us up on the District’s anti-human trafficking focus.



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