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Brad Howard – Rotary International Director

07 30, 2015 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Why Rotary?

Why should someone join Rotary or continue to be a Rotarian? For years, we have been explaining “What is Rotary?” when the real question is “Why Rotary?” Rotary International Director Brad Howard will explore what makes Rotary unique and how Rotary is positioned to be relevant in today’s social environment. He will ask you the question– Is Rotary a service organization that has members, or is it a membership organization that does service?

Brad Howard is a member of the Rotary Club of Oakland-Sunrise and Past District Governor of District 5170, which covers the Silicon Valley.  He currently serves as Zones 25 & 26 Rotary International Director for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 Rotary years.  Those Zones include parts of British Columbia and Nevada, and all of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and Hawaii, representing more than 1,300 Rotary clubs and approximately 60,000 Rotarians.


Liberty Station Conference Center
2600 Laning Road
San Diego, CA 92106 United States
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