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Club 33 Golf Tournament – 3rd and Final Round!

05 6, 2022

We hope you will join us for our third and FINAL round of this year’s golf tournament.  Not to mention all of the fun and fellowship we will have out on the beautiful course of the San Diego Country Club.  You are welcome to play, whether as a Championship contender or not.  Guests are welcome.

Foursomes will be arranged.

Date: Friday May 6. 

Time: 9:00 am

Place: San Diego Country Club, Chula Vista

Format: (2) lowest net scores of (3) rounds (You must play at least (2) rounds to be considered as Champion!)

Handicap: GHIN and Non-GHIN (Non GHIN players may have their handicaps adjusted by tournament committee)

Cost for this round: $195.00 per person – Includes cart, prizes and lunch. SDCC members will be adjusted.

Third round sign-up DEADLINE: May 3 2022. Provide GHIN number or indicate non-GHIN when signing up below. (Please complete a separate registration for each guest/player.) INDICATE YOUR PREFERENCE FOR SHORT OR MEDIUM TEES.

Questions: Ellis Smith (tournament chair) 858-457-7544 ext 217 [email protected]



San Diego Country Club
88 L St.
Chu, CA 91911
+ Google Map