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Dr. Jamie Gates – The Facts About Sex Trafficking in San Diego

09 8, 2016 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

The ugly truth in our beautiful city is that San Diego is a hot spot for sex and labor trafficking. Dr. Jamie Gates, cultural anthropologist and director of Point Loma Nazarene University’s Center for Justice and Reconciliation, presents research that show how the recruitment of victims is happening in schools and neighborhoods all over the county. Our young people are being groomed into a local commercial sex industry valued at over $800 million a year. We’ll also explore insights on what can be done.

Dr. Jamie Gates co-lead the groundbreaking research project “Measuring the Extent and Nature of Gang Involvement in Sex Trafficking in the San Diego/Tijuana Border Region” (2013-15). He co-chairs the Research and Data Committee of the San Diego County Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and CSEC. He founded and directs the Human Trafficking Research and Data Advisory Roundtable (HT-RADAR) for SD County. He led the university in establishing the Beauty for Ashes Scholarship Fund for survivors of human trafficking to get their college degree. He leads an effort to design and implement a drama-based peer-to-peer human trafficking awareness training in San Diego’s middle and high schools and serves as an expert witness for human trafficking legislation.


Liberty Station Conference Center
2600 Laning Road
San Diego, CA 92106 United States
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