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Grotarian Fireside Chat

01 28, 2020 at 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Red Badgers – please come and learn more about Club 33 and our Committees as we sit by the fire on a cool evening in San Diego.  We will have 8-10 Committee Chairs speak about their committees, what their committees do, and how you as a committee member can help. It will be an informative but fun evening for all who attend.  This is one way for you, as a Red Badger, to find the committee that is the perfect fit for you, AND satisfy one of your permanent badge requirements!  Even if you attended the Poolside Chat, we encourage you to attend this event too, as we will have different Committee Chairs speak. This is always a wonderful evening at OLP.  The event includes dinner and adult beverages.

Thank you to Club 33 member and Head of School for OLP, Lauren Lek, for hosting us again this year!

Location:  Academy of Our Lady of Peace (“OLP”), 4860 Oregon Street, San Diego, CA 92116
Date:     January 28, 2020
Time:  5:30-7:30 pm
Cost:  FREE
This event is for Grotarians only.  Please no spouses or guests.

Click here to let us know that you will be attending.


Academy of Our Lady of Peace
4860 Oregon Street
San Diego, CA 92116 United States
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