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Author and Biographer Lynne Carrier on Leon L. Williams

01 21, 2016 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Leon L. Williams was a pioneering political leader who wielded influence at a critical time in San Diego’s history.  The first African American city councilman and, later, the first black county supervisor, Williams worked tirelessly for inclusive policies that would benefit all San Diegans.  He also had a clear vision for transforming San Diego.  His ideas and proposals helped rescue a dying inner city and brought a fixed-rail trolley to the San Diego State University campus.

Lynne Carrier will talk about Leon’s remarkable life and his effective approach to politics.

Lynne Carrier, author of Leon’s book “Together We Can Do More”, is a journalist who first covered Leon in the late 1970s when she was a City Hall reporter for the San Diego Evening Tribune.  Her articles also have appeared in numerous other newspapers and  magazines, including Forbes and Newsweek.  She wrote a history of planning, “San Diego: Looking to the Future,” for the city of San Diego. 


Liberty Station Conference Center
2600 Laning Road
San Diego, CA 92106 United States
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