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Supervisor Nathan Fletcher

09 5, 2019 at 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

District 4 Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is a United States Marine Corps combat veteran, former member of the California Assembly, and a Professor at the University of California, San Diego.

Supervisor Fletcher’s priorities are focused on improving the quality of life for people who live and work in San Diego County. He is working to improve mental health services; protect the environment and tackle climate change; address housing affordability and improve the services for our homeless population; protect the rights of underrepresented and immigrant communities; and improve transit accessibility for people across San Diego County.

He currently serves on a variety of boards and commissions including the Executive Board for the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System, the Regional Task Force on the Homeless, The Polinsky Children’s Center, the San Diego Association of Governments’ (SANDAG) Transportation Committee, and the San Diego Workforce Partnership.

Supervisor Fletcher will be giving us an update on the County’s policies and priorities.


Liberty Station Conference Center
2600 Laning Road
San Diego, CA 92106 United States
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