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Virtual Prospective Member Reception

04 22, 2021 at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

The Membership Committee, combined with many of your efforts during the pandemic, continues to find ways to recruit, recommend and submit new candidates for membership. Our virtual prospective member receptions have continued to be very successful so we are excited to announce our next event on Thursday, April 22, at 11:00 am -11:55 am. (this will take the place of our usual Lobby Chat that day).

Please invite a prospective member to attend this special event with you so they could learn more about Rotary and our club. Guests will hear first-hand testimonials from members on what Rotary means to them and how we as Rotarians serve our community.

Then encourage your guests to join us for our 12:00 noon program that day. Guest speakers Leah Koontz of Southwest Airlines, and Michelle Brega of the SD County Regional Airport Authority to talk about the challenges that both the airlines and the airport have experienced during this pandemic, and what the recovery looks like over the next 5 years.

Please register your guest in advance for the Reception here https://sandiegorotary.wufoo.com/forms/w988bph0tsiegw/

Guests will be emailed the reception Zoom link before April 22.  Thank you for your support!


Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom