Scott Carr – The History and Development of the Rotary Brand

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

Scott Carr had the honor of serving as our District Governor in 2017, while running his own marketing agency for lawyers and financial professionals. He has filled many positions within...

Steve Rosetta – A Life Science City in San Diego

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

A few months ago, it was announced that real estate firm IQHQ purchased the Manchester Pacific Gateway development site downtown for $230 million dollars. Steve Rosetta, CEO of IQHQ, will...

Tom Karlo – His 47-Year Career at KBPS

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

KPBS General Manager emeritus Tom Karlo will talk about his 47-year career at KPBS. From a student assistant to general manager, Tom will talk about KPBS' rise from a little...

Julie Coker-The State of San Diego’s Tourism Sector

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

Julie Coker is the President and CEO of the San Diego Tourism Authority (SDTA). SDTA’s mission is to drive visitor demand to economically benefit the San Diego region. Prior to...

International Women’s Day: Choose to Challenge

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

Monday, March 8 is International Women’s Day.  The day was first recognized in 1911. And this year's campaign theme is: Choose to Challenge. How will you help forge a gender...

Erik Greupner, CEO – San Diego Padres

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

We are privileged to have scheduled new Padres CEO Erik Greupner to showcase the new and upcoming highlights for the 2021 season. He will discuss all of the exciting news...

Virtual Camp Enterprise Kickoff

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

This year Camp Enterprise will be virtual and will welcome 50 high school juniors who will be participating in our 45th annual three-day program. This life-changing experience is one of...

District Governor Steve Weitzen

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

It is our honor to have joining us Rotary 5340 District Governor, Steve Weitzen. A native San Diegan, Steve is a resident of La Jolla with his wife, Ava. He...

Nancy Worlie – KPBS Interim General Manager

Virtual Online Meeting Via Zoom

In February, we heard from retiring KPBS General Manager Tom Karlo about how KPBS evolved over his 47-year career. On April 8, we are pleased to meet the new KPBS...