Invisible Threat – A film about vaccinations

Invisible Threat: A rotary funded film about vaccinations

This is a 12 minute short subject created from the original Invisible Threat film. It is appropriate for shorter meetings and Rotary Club presentations or as an introduction to a roundtable discussion or targeted presentation on immunizations.

The original film was created by San Diego Rotary, in cooperation with the Rotary clubs of La Mesa, Old Mission, Carlsbad Hi Noon, and Ramona, as well as Price Charities, the Ben-Yehuda Fund and Art Pratt Foundation, as well as Rotary International through a District Matching Grant, financed the making of a film about vaccinations by the Carlsbad High School TV Film Program.  The resulting film, based entirely on the students independent research, has received national and international notice. The film tells the story of the importance of vaccinations based on scientific principles, as well as examining potential side-effects.  Some 300 universities and medical institutions have endorsed the film. It is now available with Spanish sub-titles.

This video was created by the Carlsbad High School TV Film club with the financial backing of San Diego Rotary, District 5340 together with four additional Rotary Clubs. The content of the film was created entirely by the students of the Carlsbad High School TV Film club. For further information please email [email protected]